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Legal basis

  • Crisis or armed conflict time

The accessibility of procurements and services during crisis or armed conflict is regulated by the Republic of Latvia Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 547 on Deferred deliveries.

The concept of in-country supply is being developed following considerable changes in regional security environment.

Defence Industry Support Policy has been approved (September 2016) by the Government, focusing heavily (among many other things) on Security of Supply issues. Subsequent changes in national procurement legislation are currently being drafted and are expected to take effect at the first half of 2017.

  • Urgent reasons (i.e. operational reasons)

The accessibility of procurements and services during crisis or armed conflict is regulated by the Republic of Latvia Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 547on Deferred deliveries and the Law on the Circulation of Goods of Strategic Significance.

  • Mergers-Acquisitions
  • Foreign investments
  • Export licenses

As set in the Law on Defence and Security Procurement and Republic of Latvia Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 331 “Procedures for the Issuance of a Special Permit (Licence) for Commercial Activities with the Goods Referred to in the Common Military List of the European Union Adopted 8 May 2012.”

  • Codes/Regulations involving Defence Industry
  • Other?

Objectives of the national SoS policy

The main objective for the SoS policy of MoD is to provide the Latvian National Armed Forces with the necessary materiel under all circumstances taking into account geopolitical and strategic interests of the country as well as in connection to the membership status in EU and NATO. The policy includes support to the involvement of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as subcontractors which is to be set in MoD’s guidelines for industry policy.

National bodies involved and areas of responsibilities

Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia is responsible for organisation of procurement for the Latvian National Armed Forces.

The role of SoS in Procurement procedures (requirements, evaluation etc.)

In accordance with the provisions on Security of Supply laid down in the EU Directive 2009/81 and national provisions in the Law on the Circulation of Goods of Strategic Significance.

Security of Supply is an important aspect in Latvia’s defence procurements. Aspects to be considered are varied, and are based on the value, lifecycle considerations, involvement of subcontractors, and other specifics of each defence procurement.

Contractual terms on SoS

In accordance with the provisions on fulfilment of contracts laid down in the Law on Defence and Security procurement as well as Public Procurement Law.

National policy on sharing information on stocks/inventories

Detailed information on stocks and procurement process is a State secret (Republic of Latvia Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No 887 Adopted 26 October 2004).

Opportunities of sharing of the information are explored in relation to cooperation with EU and NATO member states in joint procurements.

Existing Bi/Multi-lateral SoS agreements

Latvia does not have any existing Bi/Multi-lateral agreements regarding SoS.

SoS Experts contact info

ārtiņš Mežulis
Senior Desk Officer (Industry Support)
Procurement Planning, Methodology and Support Section
Logistics and Defence Investments Policy Department
10/12 K.Valdemara iela, Riga, LV-1473, Latvia
Phone: +371 67335166
E-mail: martins.mezulis[at]

SoS PoCs/National representatives contact info

Mārtiņš Mežulis
Senior Desk Officer (Industry Support)
Procurement Planning, Methodology and Support Section
Logistics and Defence Investments Policy Department
10/12 K.Valdemara iela, Riga, LV-1473, Latvia
Phone: +371 67335166
E-mail: martins.mezulis[at]

Link to related national websites



Page Last Updated: 20 October 2016