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Legal basis

  • Crisis or armed conflict time

Ireland does not have specific crisis or armed conflict rules, regulations or legislation regarding security of supply.

  • Urgent reasons (i.e. operational reasons)

Ireland does not have specific crisis or armed conflict rules, regulations or legislation regarding security of supply.

  • Mergers-Acquisitions

Ireland acquires its defensive equipment from abroad, whether from EU member states or outside the EU, as it is not possible to procure such equipment in Ireland. Accordingly the issue of mergers-acquisitions is not relevant.

  • Foreign investments

The issue of foreign investment is not relevant given that we do not a defence industry producing ammunition, weapons etc.

  • Export licenses

Export Control Law for military and dual use goods is a matter for the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation.The list of military goods subject to export licensing requirements is specified in the Control of Exports (Goods and Technology) Order 2009. All applications for the export of military goods must be accompanied by an End Use Certificate unless the country of final destination is another EU Member State.

  • Codes/Regulations involving Defence Industry


  • Other?


Objectives of the national SoS policy

Procurement planning for the Irish Defence Forces is based around having suitable equipment and stocks to ensure that the organisation can carry out its roles at home and overseas. As already mentioned, such equipment is generally acquired from abroad.

National bodies involved and areas of responsibilities

The Department of Defence is responsible for the procurement of defensive equipment for the Irish Defence Forces.

The role of SoS in Procurement procedures (requirements, evaluation etc.)

The Irish Department of Defence will follow the Security of Supply provisions contained within the new Defence and Security Procurement Directive.

Contractual terms on SoS

As and when required, the provisions in the Defence and Security Directive will be brought into play as part of the tender competition process.

National policy on sharing information on stocks/inventories

Ireland does not typically share stocks of equipment.

Existing Bi/Multi-lateral SoS agreements

Ireland does not have any existing Bi/Multi-lateral SoS agreements.

SoS Experts contact info


SoS PoCs/National representatives contact info


Link to related national websites




Page Last Updated: 15 October 2018