Legal basis
- Crisis or armed conflict time
In accordance with EU Directive 2009/81.
- Urgent reasons (i.e. operational reasons)
In accordance with EU Directive 2009/81.
- Mergers-Acquisitions
In accordance with EU Directive 2009/81. In addition, Italy is taking part in an LoI Nations’ effort to update the implementing arrangement on SoS. This agreement envisages the subscription by industry of a Code of Practice on industrial restructuring.
- Foreign investments
In accordance with EU Directive 2009/81.
- Export licenses
In accordance with EU Directive 2009/81. Regarding this matter, export licenses in Italy are issued under the provisions of Law 185/90 (reviewed pursuant to EU Directive 2009/43). Unless general license program (GLP) or Government-to-Government agreements apply, licenses are issued on a case-by-case basis.
- Codes/Regulations involving Defence Industry
Italy has entered into an agreement on SoS with the USA and is taking part in an LoI Nations’ effort to update the implementing arrangement on SoS. Both agreements envisage the subscription by Industry of a Code of Conduct on SoS (See below).
- Other?
Objectives of the national SoS policy
Guaranteeing the acquisition of defence supplies and services, in amounts that will allow them to fulfill their commitments in the field of defence and security.
National bodies involved and areas of responsibilities
Ministry of Defence, responsible for defence procurement.
The role of SoS in Procurement procedures (requirements, evaluation etc.)
In accordance with the provisions on Security of Supply laid down in EU Directive 2009/81.
Contractual terms on SoS
In accordance with the provisions on Security of Supply laid down in EU Directive 2009/81.
National policy on sharing information on stocks/inventories
Stock pooling is already in use for some weapon systems produced under multi-national contracts. Ammunition stock pooling and sharing of some national supplies are also in use and access to them is appropriately governed by specific international agreements.
Existing Bi/Multi-lateral SoS agreements
A multilateral agreement with LoI countries and a bilateral one with the USA are in place.
SoS agreement with LoI countries
An implementing arrangement on SoS was agreed among LoI Countries in 2003. Besides it, an ad hoc Code of Practice on industrial restructuring has been agreed in 2005.
SoS agreement with the USA
A specific MoU on SoS, establishing provisions for a subsequent CoC on SoS, has been signed between Italy and the USA. This IT-US CoC on SoS applies “to meet urgent requirements”. The IT-US agreements allow the IT government to access the American DPAS system, while allowing the American administration to set priorities of supply among CoC subscribing firms in Italy.
SoS Experts contact info
1st Office
3rd Department – Armament Policy and International Relations
Secretariat General of Defence / National Armaments Directorate
Via di Centocelle, 301
00175 ROMA
Telephone: +39 06 469130410
Fax: +39 06 469130541
SoS PoCs/National representatives contact info
1st Office
3rd Department – Armament Policy and International Relations
Secretariat General of Defence / National Armaments Directorate
Via di Centocelle, 301
00175 ROMA
Telephone: +39 06 469130410
Fax: +39 06 469130541
Link to related national websites
Page Last Updated: 8 July 2019